Friday, February 10, 2012

Reasons I don't give Brodie away

Sometimes, I worry that Brodie gets a bad rap. I often refer to him as, The Monster, That Little One or simply Ornery. The truth is, he is a monster, he is the little one and he is ornery. He’s also just about the cutest thing ever. He’s happy 98% of the time (even when he’s pissing someone else off). He’s never met anyone he didn’t like. He doesn’t know a stranger. He loves with everything he has. He’s one of the funniest people I know.

Here’s a partial list of the reasons I haven’t actually tried giving him away.

1.       He wakes up smiling. He’s the only one in this house who does that. It’s refreshing.

2.       He likes to randomly tell me, “Love you Momma.” It melts my heart…and he KNOWS it.

3.       When I ask him what he wants to listen to on the radio, he tells me, “Poker Face!”

4.       If it was up to him, we’d dance and sing 18 hours a day.                                                 

5.       He notices when my nails are a new color and tells me, “Pretty.”

6.       Even if I’ve only been gone for 10 minutes, he runs to greet me at the door and excitedly yells, “Mommmmmma!”

7.       When I do things for him (Zip his jacket, kiss his boo boo, put on his shoes so he can go forth and wreak havoc) he pats my arm and tells me, “Thank you, Momma”

8.       He calls waffles, “Popped” because, at this house, they come out of the toaster.

9.       When I yawn, he puts his hands behind his head and tells me, very compassionately, “I tired, too.”

10.   He loves to ‘help’. And even though it makes everything take twice as long, secretly, I love it.

11.   He knows he’s a monster.

12.   He knows he’s ornery.

13.   He does not know he’s little.

Having a second child turned out to be NOTHING like I thought it was going to be.

Having Brodie turned out to be way better.

Happy Friday


  1. Cute!!! Little boys are such a handful, mine just turned one last week, and its like he is a different little person now. So busy, and so much more work. Best of luck!!

    xoxo, Misty

  2. So super cute!! And how could he not LOVE GAGA??
